What is the College of Health S/U policy?

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What is the College of Health S/U policy?

Students have the option to change their grading basis to S/U as long as they plan on repeating the course for a normal (A-F) grade.

The policy applies to Ecampus, OSU-Cascades, or Corvallis campus majors, options and/or minors in:

  • Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS)
  • Public Health (PH)
  • Nutrition (NUTR)
  • Health Management and Policy minor
  • Environmental and Occupational Health minor
  • Aging Studies certificate


  • Grades of S will not be applied to major requirements. The student's responsibility is to retake the classes for which they earned an S or U grade and subsequently earn the required letter grade (A-F).
  • Applies to students who declared a College of Health major at any time.  
  • The above policy change is NOT retroactive. Grades earned for courses before fall 2021 will fall under the former policies.

Students in the Kinesiology major or Exercise Sport Science minor may not use S/U grading any required course (including prerequisites for major/minor required courses). Kinesiology students may, however, use S/U grading for Bacc Core classes and electives (including courses offered by their major or minor department), if not required for the major or minor.

Also see

Last Modified
Aug. 27, 2021