Strategic Plan


We’re reimagining how to better serve students, engage community stakeholders, stimulate discovery, and improve health and well-being for all, at every stage of life.

Strategic Plan 2024-2030

The College of Health is embarking on a six-year multifaceted and transformational strategic plan designed to propel its research and scholarly output, improve student experiences and outcomes, and increase mutually beneficial engagement with communities in Oregon, the United States, and the world.

By combining our strengths in each of these areas, we aim to be one of the leading colleges of health at an R1 institution. Toward this end, we have outlined overarching goals that will be achieved by specific and measurable strategies.

This is an ambitious plan made possible because of collaboration among faculty and staff, key college stakeholders, the college’s administrative team, and the Strategic Plan Task Force, which includes “champions” for each goal.

We envision a dynamic future

Our Process and Timeline

The dean and his Executive Team first began informally and systematically obtaining information that could be integrated into a strategic plan from January 2023 to September 2023. The team then brainstormed initial content for the college’s strategic plan at a retreat held in October 2023. Information was soon solicited from all faculty and staff regarding the plan’s process and content.

A draft plan was created in January 2024, and two champions per goal were chosen to lead discussion and development of their respective goal. These champions were chosen because they lead the day-to-day work related to their assigned goal; they are not responsible for implementing every strategic element themselves.

COH strat plan

2023-24 timeline

Following the creation of the draft plan and goals, the following steps occurred:

January 2023 to September 2023

Systematically obtained information from multiple constituencies related to strategic plan

October 2023

Executive Team retreat

December 2023

All faculty and staff surveyed regarding critical areas needed in strategic plan

January 2024

Draft plan sent to Executive Team

February 2024

  • Feedback from Executive Team
  • Task Force and co-chairs finalized
  • Draft plan sent to Task Force

June 2024

Task Force sends revised plan to Executive Team

July 2024

Plan sent to the dean for review and approval

September 2024

Final plan shared with college community and stakeholders

We lead from a place of purpose and collaboration

Strategic Plan Task Force

These members volunteered to help bring our plan to fruition. They’re encouraged to solicit feedback from a variety of internal and external constituents, including faculty and staff, OSU administration, key community partners, and others.

College of Health Executive Team

We can’t wait to share our vision

We will share the plan when it’s finalized in September 2024.


Still have questions?

We have answers.

Our tentative goals 1-3 map directly onto OSU’s plan, which helps us support and align with the university and leverage its strengths.

Yes. The process was designed to be feasible by doing a lot of pre-work.

The process is transparent, there is a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities, and there are several opportunities for various constituencies to provide input.

Yes, a key document we’re referencing is from the Harvard Business Review.

Yes, there is a copy in Box. ONID login required.

View draft strategic plan


We want your feedback!

Let us know what you think by emailing the dean’s office.