Vote like your health depends on it!

Vote like your health depends on it!

College of Health

Voting directly impacts your health and the health and well-being of those you care about. When you vote, you're helping to decide on crucial issues that affect your daily life, including:

  • Ability to obtain medical care
  • Your rights during medical care
  • Ability to obtain mental health support
  • Impact of your environment on your health
  • Public safety measures
  • Rights to equal access to medical care

Your vote helps shape the policies that influence how healthy and safe you and your community can be. It's a powerful way to voice your opinion on issues that affect your life now and in the future.

Make your voice heard on issues important to you by registering to vote.

Then, and most importantly, VOTE!


Key dates

  • Oregon online and in-person voter registration deadline: Oct. 15
  • Oregon deadline for registering by mail, postmarked no later than Oct. 15
  • National vote early day: Oct. 29
  • Election day: Nov. 5


Transition to Ecampus


A note on civil discourse

The political climate can be tense and heated.

You might find yourself in uncomfortable situations or conversations that challenge your viewpoints, perspectives and beliefs and negatively impact your well-being. However, although uncomfortable, these situations can fuel your personal growth.

In these situations, embrace your curiosity, maintain an open mind, listen carefully, demonstrate empathy, point to credible sources, don’t publicly shame anyone, and use inclusive language.

See recommendations and resources on navigating difficult conversations.

Refer to OSU’s new website on free expression for resources, information and answers to questions on this topic.