Professor Leads Global Health Symposium
Professor Chunhuei Chi, working on behalf of OSU’s Chiu Program for Taiwan Studies, organized and is scientific chair for an international symposium on the topic of global health governance and collaboration. After receiving $30,000 in funding for the symposium, he also raised additional funds and brought on co-sponsors and organizers, including OSU’s official partner in Taiwan, the International College of Innovation at the National Chengchi University (ICI-NCCU) in Taipei, Taiwan.
Among the event’s speakers are Chunhuei and two COH alumni: Margaret Henning, PhD, ’10, professor of public health at Keene State College and USAID senior advisor; and Alicia Nunez, PhD, ’12, associate professor of health management, faculty of economics and business, at the University of Chile. Learn more about the international symposium, which will be held Dec. 12-14 in Taipei.