Research seminar: Len Marquart, Ph.D., RD

Whole Grains and Health: Navigating the Path to the Future

February 22, 2013


Len Marquart, Ph.D., RD

Len Marquart's research includes whole grains and health, as well as individual, environmental and behavioral factors influencing barriers, motivators and consumption of whole grain foods. His group examines the supply chain related to the gradual incorporation of whole grain foods into children's diets through school foodservice.

It also is using a video-recording technique to examine the food practices of children in a cafeteria setting, a next step to investigate the role of accompanying foods and ingredients (fat, sugar, salt, fiber/resistant starch) on the dietary intake of whole grain foods. In addition, this technique may prove valuable in accessing the overall eating environment in a school cafeteria as it relates to obesity and other food-related issues.