Kristen Pinchun Yang, MS
Milam Hall 101
2520 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Academic interests
Kristen utilizes nutritional perspectives to the study of Indian malnutrition.
Kristen Pinchun Yang comes from Taiwan and received a Master’s degree in Nutrition from Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU) in 2016.
She worked for four years as a research assistant in the Bone Center of Taipei Medical University (TMU). Her work focused on the prevention of osteoporosis and sarcopenia in aging populations.
During the two years of the PhD program of Nutrition in FJU, she wrote a grant proposal in collaboration with the research supervisor in FJU to investigate the relationship between the nutritional status of trans-elements and osteoporosis in patients with bone fracture. The two-year grant was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Kristen worked in collaboration with researchers and medical teams in TMU Hospital and the nutritional teams of FJU. Moreover, she managed the program of Ministry of Health and Welfare: National Food Guideline, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), and the Exchange List of Food in Taiwan in 2017. Kristen started to have interests in setting agenda and governance in state and global level.
After she got the opportunity to transfer her doctoral program of Nutrition in FJU, Taiwan to the Global program in Oregon State University, USA.