Anna Lane
What inspired or interested you about your field of study? And why did you choose OSU/the college?
I was interested in majoring in HDFS because I want to help people. I aim to use my strengths and privilege to lift others and make their lives easier. Everyone has the right to a happy and healthy life.
Tell us about your time at Oregon State and in the college. Is there someone or something who/that helped you be successful?
The professors in the HDFS program are inspirational. I have learned many life skills that I will take with me throughout my career. I enjoy the holistic view of human services and the preparation for various social careers.
What are your post-college dreams/plans?
I hope to be a child welfare social worker. I want to advocate for children, minimize adverse consequences and set their future for success.
Anything else you'd like to add?
My advice for future HDFS students is to get involved in the community! Experience is valuable as you can only sometimes gain knowledge through a textbook. Working with various populations teaches you much about yourself and the world around you.