Noah Jacobson

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Noah Jacobson

Noah Jacobson

Grad spotlight academic program
Public Health Practice - MPH Online
Grad spotlight cohort year

What inspired or interested you about your field of study? And why did you choose OSU/the college?

My professional and personal interests—physical activity, nutrition, sustainable food systems, health care improvement and psychology—always aligned with public health, I just didn't know the term that captured them all! I chose OSU because my younger brother had great success in OSU's online program and I wanted to stay working in chronic pain research at the VA. This online MPH program was an ideal addition.

Tell us about your time at Oregon State and in the college. Is there someone or something who/that helped you be successful?

My classmates helped me conquer and learn to love biostatistics! The friendships I made in that class were instrumental and made the rest of online school feel more like a community.

What are your post-college dreams/plans?

I plan to continue working in chronic pain research but now as the lab manager. I also plan to build community through running and coaching youth sports. And maybe someday I'll live on a farm.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Use your student status to travel Europe! The discounts are wild.