Research Cores


Diet and Genetics Core

In the Diet and Genetics Core researchers study the biological mechanisms underlying the aging process to develop targeted strategies that help maintain and promote good health. Researchers are also studying the inability of the aging body to respond to internal and external "insults" - from simple bone fractures to drug interactions and infections. Core members also explore the impact of nutrition on mitigating vulnerability to these stresses.


Human-Centered Design and Technology Core

Human-Centered Design and Technology Core researchers develop and examine innovations in supportive technologies to enhance living for older adults in their own homes or in residential facilities.Research in this core has two foci: 1) the development of gerontechnological solutions to meet the needs of older adults and their families, and 2) investigating the social and ethical implications of applying gerontechnolgy in research, health care and society.


Musculoskeletal Core

Researchers in the Musculoskeletal Core maintain a preventive and rehabilitative focal point by investigating ways to preserve functioning, prevent disability and optimize overall well being through the lifespan. Current areas of investigation in this core include innovative research in mobility, balance, strength and bone density, as well as behavioral interventions to promote exercise.


Population, Social and Individual Health Core

Researchers in the Population, Social and Individual Health Core investigate aging individuals and families in the social context across the lifespan. Research in this core focuses on stress and coping, personality and self regulation, health behaviors, caregiving and support across the lifespan, and the interface among physical, psychological and social well-being.