Nurturing Quality with a Trauma Lens through Professional Development: Impacts of Roots of Resilience

Nurturing Quality with a Trauma Lens through Professional Development: Impacts of Roots of Resilience

October 14, 2020

Oregon Child Care and Education Researchers Roundtable, Day 2

Presenter: Shannon Lipscomb, Ph.D., Oregon State University

This presentation describes how the Roots of Resilience Program supports early childhood teachers to strengthen children’s resilience through trauma-informed practices with an online course and coaching program. Additionally, the presentation highlights results of a small, randomized control trial that found impacts of Roots of Resilience on children’s engagement (less negative, more positive), self-regulation, and early math skills. The program also increased teacher sensitivity, self-care, and perspective taking. Finally, the presentation discusses next steps, such as delivering the program in Spanish and providing workshops.

Research Briefs (available in both English and Spanish) describe the adverse childhood experiences and early care and education and initial evaluation of the Roots of Resilience Program. A third brief is in-development, which outlines the results of the impact study.  

For more information see Roots of Resilience project website