Research seminar: February 24, 2023

Rural families speak about resilience: A family science-public health collaboration

February 24, 2023

The Rural Families Speak About Resilience project is focused on the interconnections of individual, family, and community factors of rural, low-income families across the U.S. on their health and well-being. This multistate collaborative project has existed for more than 20 years and has made large contributions to understanding the challenges and resilience of rural, low-income families.

Kelly Chandler, PhD
Associate Professor
Human Development and Family Science
College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Oregon State University

Chandler applies a work-family justice lens to study how working conditions, workplace culture, and work-family policies affect the health and daily lives of employees and their families. She also examines the implications of work for family processes, including emotional transmission, family routines, and parental socialization.


Doris Cancel-Tirado, PhD, MPH
Professor, Health & Exercise Science
Western Oregon University

Cancel-Tirado has more than 20 years of experience working with health and human services agencies and deeply value and engage in multidisciplinary efforts to improve family health and well-being in diverse and multicultural contexts.

While working with immigrant families in Florida, Washington, and Oregon, she realized that there were many systemic issues affecting their well-being. She decided to pursue doctoral studies to address some of the issues faced by immigrant families.

As a bilingual/bicultural professional and mother, she knows first hand the challenges faced by parents raising kids in a bicultural environment and by mothers juggling work and family. These experiences have driven her research agenda. Her current research areas of interest include: Latinos families’ well-being and health disparities, rural health, maternal and child health, fatherhood, poverty, and diversity in higher education.

Besides her scholarly work, I was appointed by Oregon former governor Kitzhaber to a position in the Oregon Commission for Women and was reappointed for a second term by Governor Kate Brown. In this role, she has been engaged in policy work related to women, children, family, and health.