Research seminar: October 15, 2021


Variety is the spice of life! Increasing the adoption of sports injury prevention programs through stakeholder collaboration

October 15, 2021

This presentation will describe the evidence underpinning the need to include key components in injury prevention programs, common challenges to program implementation in various settings, and practical strategies for working with local stakeholders to co-design and implement context-specific injury prevention

Marc Norcross, Ph.D., ATC

Research interests include anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, which often occurs during cutting or landing from a jump, negatively impacts physical activity both acutely and across the lifespan due to early-onset osteoarthritis. However, the precise mechanism of injury and most efficacious intervention techniques to prevent this injury remain elusive. His research utilizes the quantification of lower extremity energy absorption during landing to identify landing strategies that may result in greater ACL-injury risk. He then attempts to identify specific, modifiable biomechanical factors (i.e. muscle strength, joint positions and motion, muscle activation) that are predictive of these higher risk landing strategies in hopes of designing and implementing an ACL-injury prevention program that is both successful and feasible.