Research seminar: April 16, 2021


Who shall live when all cannot live? Ethical issues in COVID-19 vaccine prioritization

April 16, 2021

Courtney S. Campbell, PhD, the Hundere Professor of Religion and Culture, Director of the Medical Humanities Program in OSU’s School of History, Philosophy and Religion. Watch this seminar, live or recorded, on the CPHHS website

Prior to coming to OSU, Courtney S. Campbell was a research associate at The Hastings Center, a "think tank" for medical ethics. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia and his B.A. from Yale University.

A principal reason Courtney came to OSU was that he saw Oregon as a social laboratory for many of the difficult ethical issues in medicine. He has authored numerous articles on the controversial Oregon Death with Dignity Act and on the Oregon Health Plan. He also authored papers for the National Bioethics Advisory Commission on the ethical questions of human cloning and of research on human tissue.