Research seminar: May 08, 2020


The Intergenerational Compact: Need and Support for Intergenerational Relationships During COVID and Beyond

May 8, 2020

Intergenerational programs link youth and older adults for mutual benefit through shared interaction, much of which has been halted as society isolates older adults in response to the current pandemic. Implications may be negative and persistent for current and future older adults. In this presentation, Dr. Jarrott addresses the historical and current state of intergenerational programs and their future in a time of pandemics.

Shannon Jarrott, PhD, is a Professor in the College of Social Work at Ohio State University. She earned a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from Pennsylvania State University. She joined Ohio State University in 2015. Prior to that, she was the Director of Intergenerational Programs as well as Department Head in the Department of Human Development at Virginia Tech.

Shannon’s research focuses on intergenerational community building strategies. Trained as a gerontologist, she has studied community-based services, therapeutic programming, and research strategies involving a wide range of youth and older adults possessing diverse strengths and needs, such as chronic disease and disability. She has contributed to United Nations, NIH, USDA, and international efforts to promote developmental theory, research, and practice.