Panel Discussion with the Director and Core Directors of HFC
May 5, 2017
to Celebrate 5 Years of the Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children & Families
Rick Settersten, PhD, Director
Sally Bowman, PhD, & Shauna Tominey, PhD, Parenting & Family Life Core
Peggy Dolcini, PhD, Youth & Young Adults Core
Kathy Gunter, PhD, Healthy Eating & Active Living Core
Megan McClelland, PhD, Early Childhood Core
They provide highlights on the center's research cores:
- Early Childhood
- Youth and Young Adults
- Healthy Eating and Active Living
- Parenting and Family Life.
The Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families promotes the development and well-being of children, youth and families by generating, translating and sharing research-based knowledge. The center advocates a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to research, training and outreach that has far-reaching consequences for Oregon and beyond.