HDFS school directory


School of Human Development and Family Sciences

Tosin F. Alabi

Tosin F. Alabi

Doctoral student
Carolyn Aldwin, PhD

Carolyn Aldwin, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Director of the Gerontology Program
Mary Arnold, PhD

Mary Arnold, PhD

Teresa L. Ashford, MS

Teresa L. Ashford, MS

Senior Instructor
Carolyn Ashton

Carolyn Ashton

Associate Professor
Brenda Barrett-Rivera, MS

Brenda Barrett-Rivera, MS

Doctoral student
Rebekah Benkart

Rebekah Benkart

Doctoral student
Jey A. H. Blodgett, PhD

Jey A. H. Blodgett, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
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Amara Bradetich

Doctoral student
Marc T. Braverman, PhD

Marc T. Braverman, PhD

Professor (retired)
Jezz Brown-Hamlett

Jezz/Jess Brown-Hamlett

Doctoral student
Amanda Casian

Amanda Casian

Outreach Coordinator
Kelly Chandler, PhD

Kelly Chandler, PhD

Associate Professor
Soyoung Choun, PhD

Soyoung Choun, PhD

Research Associate
Dana Crawford

Dana Crawford

Assistant Director
Health & Nutrition Coordinator
Eleanor Daniels, BS, BSN, RN

Eleanor Daniels, BS, BSN, RN

Faculty Research Assistant
Woody Davis

Woody Davis

Assistant Professor
Mehwish Dawood

Mehwish Dawood

Doctoral student
Ines de Pierola

Ines de Pierola

Doctoral student
Tiffany DeRuyter, MEd

Tiffany DeRuyter, MEd

Faculty Research Assistant
Linda Fenske, PhD

Linda Fenske, PhD

Associate Director of Academic Programs (HDFS)
Patricia Foster

Patricia Foster

OPEC Outreach Coordinator
John Geldhof, PhD

John Geldhof, PhD

Associate Professor
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Simone Halliday

Research Associate and Instructor
Chelsea Hamilton

Chelsea Hamilton

Outreach Coordinator
Bridget Hatfield, PhD

Bridget Hatfield, PhD

Associate Professor
Harriet Hedgcoth

Harriet Hedgcoth

Wendy Hein, MS

Wendy Hein, MS

Professor of Practice
Karen Hooker, PhD

Karen Hooker, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Laurie Houston, MS

Laurie Houston, MS

Senior Faculty Research Assistant II
Maya E. Johnson, MS

Maya E. Johnson, MS

Doctoral student
Jasmine Karing, MPH

Jasmine Karing, MPH

Doctoral student
Sara King, MS

Sara King, MS

Doctoral student
Brianne Kothari, PhD

Brianne Kothari, PhD

Associate Professor
Joseph (Joe) Leykam, LCSW, MSW, AH

Joseph (Joe) Leykam, LCSW, MSW, AH

HDFS Applied Mental Health Program Director
Shannon Lipscomb, PhD

Shannon Lipscomb, PhD

Associate Dean of Research for OSU-Cascades Campus