Research seminar: May 19, 2023

Withstanding “Vulnerability” or Showing “Resilience” Throughout the Life Course? Insights from Research in the Swiss LIVES Program.

May 19, 2023

This presentation considers the question of how we conceive resilience and vulnerability throughout the life course from an interdisciplinary perspective. Taking stock of the vulnerability life course framework of the Swiss Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, illustrations of different strategies and results concerning vulnerability and resilience in different domains will be discussed.

Dario Spini, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Founding Director of the Swiss Center of Expertise in Life Course Research
University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Master degree as organizational psychology (UNiverstiy of Neuchâtel), PhD in Psychology (Social representations of human rights), junior lecturer at the Centre for interdisciplinary gerontology at the University of Geneva where he worked notably on the Swiss Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old, finally at the Universty of Lausanne, Institute of social sciences, as assistant, associate and now full professor in social psychology and the life course. Director of the National Centre of Competence in Research Overcoming vulnerability: Life course persepectives (LIVES, 2010-).

His research topics covers notably issues like social contexts (comaprative studies neighborhoods, social groups); identity and coping processes, and health; aging; life course research; longitudinal data analyses; interdisciplinarity.