Optimized Ultraviolet-C Processing Inactivates Pathogenic and Spoilage-Associated Bacteria while Preserving Bioactive Proteins, Vitamins, and Lipids in Human Milk
UV-C treatment is a promising way to process donor milk that balances safety with preserving the beneficial components that support the health of vulnerable babies. Using UV-C in milk banks could help provide higher quality donor milk to premature or sick infants who depend on it for protection against infection and optimal development.
College of Health researcher(s)
College unit(s)
Holder pasteurization (HoP) enhances donor human milk microbiological safety but damages many bioactive milk proteins. Though ultraviolet-C irradiation (UV–C) can enhance safety while better preserving some milk proteins, it has not been optimized for dose or effect on a larger array of bioactive proteins. We determined the minimal UV–C parameters that provide >5-log reductions of relevant bacteria in human milk and how these treatments affect an array of bioactive proteins, vitamin E, and lipid oxidation. Treatment at 6000 and 12 000 J/L of UV–C resulted in >5-log reductions of all vegetative bacteria and bacterial spores, respectively. Both dosages improved retention of immunoglobulin A (IgA), IgG, IgM, lactoferrin, cathepsin D, and elastase and activities of bile-salt-stimulated lipase and lysozyme compared with HoP. These UV–C doses caused minor reductions in α-tocopherol but not γ-tocopherol and no increases in lipid oxidation products. UV–C treatment is a promising approach for donor human milk processing.