A fishermen-developed intervention reduced musculoskeletal load associated with commercial Dungeness crab harvesting

2023  Journal Article

A fishermen-developed intervention reduced musculoskeletal load associated with commercial Dungeness crab harvesting


This research study found that a fishermen-developed ergonomic control, called a banger bar, reduced physical risk factors and muscle strain associated with Dungeness crab harvesting. The most effective bar height was 60 cm, indicating that the banger bar can help prevent musculoskeletal injuries and postural instability.


College of Health researcher(s)


  • Commercial Dungeness crab fishing poses substantial risks for musculoskeletal disorders.
  • A banger bar significantly reduced biomechanical load and postural balance measures.
  • The height of the banger bars may be an important factor affecting injury risk measures.


This study characterized physical risk factors associated with injuries during a Dungeness crab harvesting task and evaluated the efficacy of a fishermen-developed ergonomic control (banger bar) in mitigating physical risk factors, including biomechanical loads in the low back, shoulders, and upper extremities, and postural instability. In a repeated-measures laboratory study, 25 healthy male participants performed manual crab harvesting tasks in five conditions: without any banger bar (control) and with 4 bars of differing heights or designs. The results showed that the ergonomic control reduced trunk and shoulder angles, L5/S1, and shoulder moments; muscle activities in low back, shoulders, and upper extremities; perceived exertion ratings; and postural sway measures. Moreover, these measures were lowest when the bar height was at 60 cm, indicating that the banger bar can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and postural instability, and that bar height is an important factor affecting these injury risk measures.

Kia, K., Kincl, L.D., Chan, A., Kim, J.H. (2023) A fishermen-developed intervention reduced musculoskeletal load associated with commercial Dungeness crab harvestingApplied Ergonomics110