Tools & Programs
Balanced Energy Physical Activity (BEPA) Toolkit
The Balanced Energy-Physical Activity (BEPA) Toolkit integrates physical activity and nutrition concepts through education and activity. Nutrition concepts are linked to physical activity concepts and active games through an approach that explains the concept of balanced energy as a combination of healthful eating and regular, varied physical activity.
School Physical Activity & Nutrition Environment Tool (SPAN-ET)
Schools are key sites for delivering nutrition and physical activity education and promoting healthy behaviors among students, typically without consideration of the environmental context. The School Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Tool (SPAN-ET) was developed to assess school resources and readiness to improve nutrition and physical activity environments, suggest appropriate improvement strategies, and score impacts resulting from environmentally-based treatments.
Playworks strengthens the social, emotional, and physical development of children—and supports learning—by providing safe, healthy and inclusive play and physical activity to low-income schools at recess. Playworks teaches children to resolve their own conflicts that arise at recess and carry over to the classroom, restoring valuable teaching and learning time and preventing bullying.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
RWJF believes that investing in physical, social, and emotional development in children is critical to forging a healthier future in America. Playworks takes a completely new and radical approach to play as a positive force for children’s development–transforming recess into an opportunity for children to grow physically, socially and emotionally. This can also enhance children’s learning, thus contributing to their future health as adults. RWJF is supporting the national expansion of Playworks, as well as an evaluation of how well the model improves children’s physical, social, and academic skills.
See also...
Does Better Recess Equal a Better School Day?
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Randomized controlled trial of Playworks shows widespread benefits, including less bullying, more physical activity, and more time for teaching. Does Better Recess Equal a Better School Day? (PDF)
Playworks Games
Looking for a game to engage kids in safe and healthy play? The Playworks staff has found, created, and sorted hundreds of games in their Game Library that will get kids off the sidelines and into the game. Whether you want to keep kids active for a full recess period or just do a few minutes of ice breakers before an activity, there's a game here for your needs. Play on!
60 Minutes or More a Day (PDF) - INFOGRAPHIC
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Five key settings provide opportunities for youth to be active for 60 minutes or more a day where they live, learn, and play. Original article »
Active Children: Physical Activity in Rural Oregon Elementary Schools (PDF) - INFOGRAPHIC
GROW Healthy Kids & Communities
GROW Healthy Kids & Communities helped rural Oregon elementary schools measure height, weight, and physical activity. This document graphically displays weight status and average amount of physical activity performed amongst rural Oregon elementary students, compared to national daily physical activity recommendations for kids.
Active Kids Learn Better - INFOGRAPHIC
Active Living Research
This infographic features evidence on how physical activity and fitness may help school-aged children maximize their academic performance, and provides an overview of the effects of physical activity on the developing brain.
Obesity Is Found to Gain Its Hold in Earliest Years
The New York Times
For many obese adults, the die was cast by the time they were 5 years old. A major new study of more than 7,000 children has found that a third of children who were overweight in kindergarten were obese by eighth grade. And almost every child who was very obese remained that way. Original study »
Oregon Shared Meals Initiative
Nutrition Council of Oregon
The Nutrition Council of Oregon (NCO) has launched a year-long initiative to raise awareness about the importance of shared meals in promoting better eating habits, reducing obesity, preventing substance abuse, and strengthening family and community bonds.
Oregon State University Extension Service Combats Childhood Obesity through new Program in Rural Schools
Agriculture is America
The children’s obesity epidemic in America stretches to all ends of the country, including rural communities. Oregon State University Extension Service is determined to make a change with their new toolkit that aims to help teachers engage rural Oregon youth in healthier lifestyles.