Family Resources

growhkc eat and play

Physical Activity

Balanced Energy Physical Activity (BEPA) Toolkit

The BEPA Toolkit provides families and educators with materials and activity ideas that can be used in and outside of the family home and classroom before, during, or after school to increase children’s physical activity time at home and school. BEPA represents an evidence-based, behaviorally focused program that seamlessly integrates the components of energy balance: healthful eating and physical activity.

Playworks Games

Looking for a game to engage kids in safe and healthy play? The Playworks staff has found, created and sorted hundreds of games into their Game Library that will get kids off the sidelines and into the game. Whether you want to keep kids active for a full recess period or just do a few minutes of ice breakers before an activity, there's a game here for your needs. Play on!



Healthy Family Cooking Resources

GROW-HKC and other contributors

GROW Healthy Kids and Communities is helping families identify fun, easy, and affordable options to stay healthy and be active most everyday. Visit our Healthy Family cooking page for awesome recipes and food prep resources!

Healthy Family Gardening Resources

GROW-HKC and other contributors

Gardening with your kids is a chance to make fun memories while being active and creating healthy food and beautiful spaces as a family. No matter how big or small, gardening is an exciting way for kids to learn about how plants - and food - grow. Visit our Healthy Family gardening page for fun and easy indoor and outdoor gardening activities!

Lunch Box Recipes for Kids (or Adults!)

Cooking Light via Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)

Every mom or dad who makes lunches for kids knows the goals: avoid total jettisoning of lunch into trash by picky eater; hope she or he doesn't trade healthy apple for can of soda; nudge the menu past the old standbys before complete boredom sets in on Day 123 (kids need lunches, on average, 180 times a year). Here are a few strategies built around some core preferences.


Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables

Food Hero

Our friends at Food Hero have created a guide to help you identify when veggies and fruits are in season in the Pacific Northwest. Some differences will occur because of varied weather in some areas of the Pacific Northwest or weather changes from year to year.
Learn more »

Oregon Harvest for Schools

This program was developed to promote and educate people about Oregon grown produce.
Learn more »

Willamette Farm & Food Coalition

The Willamette Farm and Food Coalition facilitates and supports the development of a secure and sustainable food system in Lane County, Oregon.
Locally grown directory (see page 18 for seasonal foods)
What grows in Oregon? (PDF)


Tools & Programs

Balanced Energy Physical Activity (BEPA) Toolkit

The Balanced Energy-Physical Activity (BEPA) Toolkit integrates physical activity and nutrition concepts through education and activity. Nutrition concepts are linked to physical activity concepts and active games through an approach that explains the concept of balanced energy as a combination of healthful eating and regular, varied physical activity. Learn more about the BEPA Toolkit »

Food Hero

With Food Hero, you will be able to budget for, plan, and create countless healthy, super tasty meals.  Food Hero will become your family's 'go to' site for everything food.  Within Food Hero lives healthy and tasty recipes, meal ideas, budgeting, shopping, and many more cooking tips and tools, plus ways to connect with other Food Heroes. Learn more about Food Hero »

GROW Healthy Family/Active Family Newsletters

A monthly newsletter directed toward supporting healthy home environmental and behavioral changes related to healthy eating and physical activity. View newsletters »



60 Minutes or More a Day (PDF) - INFOGRAPHIC
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
five key settings that provide opportunities for youth to be active for 60 minutes or more a day where they live, learn, and play.
Five key settings that provide opportunities for youth to be active for 60 minutes or more a day where they live, learn, and play. Original article »

A Place for Play? The Influence of the Home Physical Environment on Children's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour (PDF)
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
The home environment is an important influence on the sedentary behaviour and physical activity of children, who have limited independent mobility and spend much of their time at home. This article reviews the current evidence regarding the influence of the home physical environment on the sedentary behaviour and physical activity of children aged 8–14 years.

Building Communities Where the Healthy Choice is the Easy Choice (PDF) - INFOGRAPHIC
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Healthy neighborhoods, healthy families and kids, and economic opportunity and mobility are interconnected. Building places where healthy behaviors are possible requires a focus on all three.

Eat Right to Play Hard
Academy of Nutrients and Dietetics
Active kids need fuel for sports, school and everyday health, as well as normal growth and development. When young people are involved in competitive athletics, their need for power foods and fluids is higher than usual.

Oregon Shared Meals Initiative
Nutrition Council of Oregon
The Nutrition Council of Oregon (NCO) has launched a year-long initiative to raise awareness about the importance of shared meals in promoting better eating habits, reducing obesity, preventing substance abuse, and strengthening family and community bonds.

What America Eats (PDF)
Institute of Food Technologists
Changing consumer priorities, including a penchant for around-the-clock consumption and more interest in sophisticated everyday fare, demand close attention from food and beverage companies.