Undergraduate Research Awards Program (URAP)

growhkc exceed expectations

GROW Healthy Kids and Communities strives to provide an enriching opportunity for achieving undergraduate students to apply their interests in researching nutrition and physical activity as it relates to the prevention of childhood obesity. We are proud of our Undergraduate Research Awards Program (URAP) apprentices and the accomplishments they have achieved throughout their experience with GROW Healthy Kids and Communities.



Evaluating the Reach, Effectiveness, and Adoption of an Extension Family & Community Health Program Implemented to Change the Rural Context for Weight Health (PDF)
Brooke Mischkot, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Deborah John
May 2016

Examining the Utility of the School Physical Activity and Nutrition Environmental Tool (SPAN-ET) as Implemented by SNAP-Ed Practitioners (PDF)
Claire Chappuis, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Deborah John
May 2015

Exploring Community Resources and Readiness in Relation to Childhood Obesity Prevention in Rural Western America (PDF)
Deanna Kunkle, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Deborah John
May 2015

Examining the Rural Family Home Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment (PDF)
Carolyn Booth, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Kathy Gunter
May 2014

Exploring Rural People's Perceptions of Weight-Healthy Attributes of Community Place (PDF)
Bridget Jamieson, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Deborah John May 2014

In 2017, Bridget was one of 5 under 5-College of Public Health and Human Sciences alumni who participated as an invited panelist to share stories about their life after graduation

Examining Rural Resources and Readiness to Change the Context for Obesity Prevention (PDF)
Ann Marie Richards, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Deborah John
May 2014

Examining the School Environment (PDF)
Emily VanMeter, URAP Apprentice, Mentor Kathy Gunter
May 2014