Variables by Dataset
Military Life Course
Air Force Health Study Data (AFHS)
- AFHS (xlsx)
- AFHS Disposition - Appendix B - Data summary tables (pdf)
- AFHS Disposition -Appendix C (pdf)
Australian Longitunial Study of Aging (ALSA)
- ALSA (xlsx)
1970 British Cohrot Study (BCS 70)
- BCS70 (xlsx)
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA)
- BLSA (xlsx)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- BRFSS (xlsx)
CDC-Vietnam Experience Study (CDC-VES)
- CDC-VES (xlsx)
Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (DMHDS)
- DMHDS (xlsx)
Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Aging (DYNOPTA)
- DYNOPTA (xlsx)
EI-Union Army Study(EI-UAS)
- EI-UAS (xlsx)
- Publication list 2013 July 16 (xlsx)
English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA)
- ELSA (xlsx)
Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (EPESE)
- EPESE (xlsx)
Glueck Study
- Glueck (xlsx)
Grant Study
- Grant (xlsx)
- HEPESE (xlsx)
Health and Retirement Study (HRS)
- HRS (xlsx)
Longitudinal Study of Aging (LSOA)
Longitudinal Study of Generations (LSOG)
- LSOG (xlsx)
Midlife in the United States (MIDUS)
Normative Aging Study (NAS)
- NAS (xlsx)
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (NAS-NRC) - WWII Twin Registry
- Twin Registry (xlsx)
- Page (2002) The NAS-NRC Twin Registry of WWII Military Veteran Twins (pdf)
- Page (2006) Updates on the NAS-NRS Twin Registry (pdf)
National Survey of Black Americans (NSBA)
- NSBlackAm (xlsx)
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
- NHANES (xlsx)
National Health and Aging Trend Study (NHATS)
- NHATS (xlsx)
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
- NHIS (xlsx)
National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS)
- NLMS (xlsx)
National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)
- NLS-OlderMen (xlsx)
- NLS-YoungerMen (xlsx)
- NLS-Variables-T6.4 (pdf)
- NLS-Variables-T6.5 (pdf)
- NLS Handbook older men and young men (pdf)
National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH)
- NSFH (xlsx)
National Social life, Health and Aging Project (NSHAP)
- NSHAP (xlsx)
National Vietnam Veteran's Readjustment Study (NVVRS)
- NVVRS (xlsx)
Piedmont Health Survey of the Elderly (PHSE)
- PHSE (xlsx)
Project Talent
- Project Talent (xlsx)
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
- PSID (xlsx)
- PSID codebook 2011 (pdf)
- PSID health measures (xlsx)
- PSID psych measures (xlsx)
- PSID sample frame (bmp)
- PSID user guide 2009 (pdf)
- PSID- Transition into Adulthood (xlsx)
Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA)
- VETSA1 Data Dictionary (pdf)
Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS)
- WLS (xlsx)