

Inclusive Physical Activity Laboratory

Community-based interventions

Ketcheson LR, Loetzner F, Wentz CF, Miller S, & Pitchford EA (2024). A longitudinal health promotion program for autistic children and their caregivers: Impact of an urban community-based program. Autism Research, 17(10), 2156-2176. DOI: 10.1002/aur.3231


Ketcheson LR, Barcelona JM, Pitchford EA, Loetzner F, Miller S, & Hauck JL (2024). Perceptions of a virtual health promotion program for children on the autism spectrum and their primary caregiver: A qualitative analysis. Child & Family Behavior Therapy. 46(3), 205–226. DOI: 10.1080/07317107.2023.2298502


Ketcheson LR, Pitchford EA, Wentz CF, & Loetzner F (2024). Trajectories of physical activity among children on the autism spectrum and their caregivers: Outcomes of a virtual 1-year longitudinal intervention. Disability and Health Journal, 17(1), 101538. DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101538


Measurement and Assessment

Pitchford EA & Webster EK (2021). Clinical validity of the Test of Gross Motor Development-3 in children with disabilities from the U.S. national normative sample. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 38(1), 62–78. DOI: 10.1123/apaq.2020-0023


Staples K, Pitchford EA, & Ulrich DA (2021). Instructional sensitivity of the TGMD-3 among children with and without Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 38(1), 95–108. DOI: 10.1123/apaq.2020-0047


Special Olympics Health Research

Ketcheson LR, Pitchford EA, Hauck J, & Loetzner F (2024). On-field physical activity of Special Olympics athletes and Unified partners during the 2022 Special Olympics World Unified Cup. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 68(2), 164–172. DOI: 10.1111/jir.13102


Cleveringa M & Pitchford EA (2023). Low muscle strength, low bone mineral density, and high body mass index among adult Special Olympics athletes: A cross-sectional examination. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 40(1), 19–37. DOI: 10.1123/apaq.2021-0191


Research seminar: Physical activity and health promotion through Special Olympics

Motor Skill Development

Pitchford EA, Leung W, & Webster EK (2022). Associations of fundamental motor skill competence, isometric plank, and modified pull-ups in 5-year old children: 2012 NHANES NYFS. PLOS One, 17(10): e0276842. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276842


Pitchford EA, Leung W, & Webster EK (2021). Fundamental motor skill delays in preschool children with disabilities: 2012 National Youth Fitness Survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 758321. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.758321


Ketcheson LR, Pitchford EA, & Wentz C (2021). The relationship between developmental coordination disorder and concurrent deficits in social communication and repetitive behaviors among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research, 14(4), 804–816. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2469


Training and Attitudes

Pitchford EA, Hradek C, Gatewood J, & Sellers DM (2024). A needs assessment of Extension staff to implement inclusive programming for adults with intellectual/ developmental disabilities. Journal of Extension, 61(4), 7. DOI: 10.34068/joe.61.04.07


McNamara S, Pitchford EA, & Case L (2023). Familiarity of adapted physical activity among undergraduate students: Personal connection matters. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. Advance online publication, 7/11/2023. DOI: 10.1177/10442073231185262