Jessica Carmel
Hobbies, interests, etc
Some hobbies that I enjoy are going out to different bars and exploring new food! I also enjoy going to dances and making friends along these journeys! Anything near water is where my happy place is especially when it's looking out at a sunset.
Why did you choose Oregon State for your MPH?
I didn't really know what to do after undergrad, but I found out my specific passion fell under public health and that an MPH would take me to where I want to be in the future!
OSU also has a very close-knit program with professors and students. I liked the idea of being in a cohort where I would be able to seek out my professors whenever I needed help.
Most memorable experience in the program?
So far, I have enjoyed the group work especially when it comes to getting to know my group members and what areas they are most interested in and why!
What advice would you give someone thinking about getting their MPH?
My advice would be to think about a specific passion you are most interested in and go full throttle on that passion. Public health has such a variety of interests that you can find, you never have to stick to one passion! You can always expand and do something completely out of the box!
If you were to recommend the MPH to your best friend, what would you say?
Get to know your advisors, and get to know your cohort!