- Megan McClelland, Ph.D (OSU)
- Andy Mashburn, Ph.D. (PSU)
- Katherine Pears, Ph.D (OSLC)
- Shannon Lipscomb, Ph.D. (OSU - Cascades)
- Alicia Miao, graduate student (OSU)
- Jenn Finders, graduate student (OSU)
- Guadalupe Diaz, graduate student (OSU)
- Amy Cordier, graduate student (PSU)
- Rita Yelverto, graduate student (PSU)
- Elizabeth Tremaine, graduate student (PSU)
- Jessica Ziljstra, graduate student (PSU)
- Emily Weiss, graduate student (PSU)
The goals of this work group are to analyze data from the Oregon statewide Kindergarten Assessment, which measures children’s early literacy, math, self-regulation and social competence skills as they enter kindergarten.
Current projects include using cluster analysis to identify profiles of children based on their KA performance, examining community level variables that are related to children’s entering scores on literacy, math, self-regulation and social competence, and investigating how children who are English Language Learners perform on the KA.