Region 6 South Central (Klamath & Lake counties)

Region 6 South Central

(Klamath & Lake counties)

Healthy Communities Outreach Project

“Get Going and Growing with Grains and Greens”

The South Central region will build new partnerships with schools, cafeteria staff and community organizations to promote physical activity and the consumption of whole grains and green vegetables for school age youth, adults and families.  We will develop and deliver experiential tools and activities to promote the project theme including displays, demonstrations, recipe books, vegetable planting, student polls, cafeteria contests and tasting tables. Food service staff and teachers will receive training to equip them as advocates for healthy food and physical activity choices.

Team Members

  • Klamath: Patty Case (FCH), Diane Silberstein (SNAP-Ed), Lauren Daniels (SNAP-Ed), Keely Moxley (Extension MG) and Stacey Todd (SNAP-Ed)
  • Lake: Jamie Davis (4-H, FCH)
  • Coos/Curry: Stephanie Polizzi (FCH)
  • OSU Campus: Deborah John (FCH State Specialist), Jeff Hino (Extension & Experiment Communications) and Rachael Veith (OSU Student Intern)

Highlighted Partners

  • Klamath Falls City Schools
  • Oregon Wheat Growers League

Moore Family Center Outreach Activities

OSU President Ed Ray
  • Partner with schools and community organizations to promote whole grains and green vegetable consumption
  • Increase physical activity
  • Develop demonstrations, displays, vegetable planting and student polls
  • Train teachers and cafeteria staff  
  • Share food tastings at the KBREC Radio 100 year celebration and county fair
  • Hosted tasting tables at county fairs, churches and other community events
  • The teaching team displayed cut-outs of what whole “grains and greens” look like as part of the monthly Food Hero tastings that are shared with K-5 youth in the cafeteria line

Project Updates

Tabouli Bulgur Wheat Salad. The local community has participated in interactive displays and food tastings at the KBREC 100 year celebration and the County Fair featuring Food Hero Popeye Power Smoothie and various whole grain salads.