Healthy Eating and Active Living

Healthy Eating and Active Living

Hallie E. Ford Center

Research Core

Faculty in this core focus on physical activity and healthy eating behaviors, environments, and policies to ensure all children and families are enabled to eat healthfully and be physically active.

Core Leadership

Stay Active at Home fact sheets

News articles on core research

  • July 28, 2022

    A year of social and emotional learning

    As Playworks continued to progress on our equity journey, we explored a critical question: what are the intersections between play, social and emotional learning, physical activity, and trauma?

  • Feb. 1, 2022

    Oregon State University study examines academic impact of 4-day school week

    Researchers compared standardized math test scores of more than 340,000 high school students

  • Jan. 27, 2022

    Oregon State study finds lower math scores in high schools that switched to 4-day school week

    A recent Oregon State University study analyzing the impact of a shorter school week for high schools found that 11th-grade students participating in a four-day week performed worse on standardized math tests than students who remained on five-day schedules.

  • CDC Healthy Schools

    In 2017, the Oregon legislature took steps to increase physical education minutes and physical activity opportunities for young people by passing a law (ORS 349.496) that requires K–5 students to receive at least 150 minutes of physical education per week for the school year and students in grades 6–8 to receive 225 minutes.