Ashley Vaughn Receives 2025 Phyllis S. Lee Award for Social Justice Leadership

Jayathi Y. Murthy handing award plaque to Ashley Vaughn

Ashley Vaughn Receives 2025 Phyllis S. Lee Award for Social Justice Leadership

College of Health Instructor and alumna Ashley Vaughn, MPH ’21 received the Phyllis S. Lee Award at this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Breakfast on January 20.

A former public school teacher, Ashley was recognized for her ability to inspire and motivate others in word and deed. Ashley engages students in critical exploration of health equity related courses and teaches a transformative short-term study abroad program. Her teaching prepares and connects students to work toward social justice, and she is committed to numerous activities outside the classroom that seek to dismantle systemic racism and other systems of oppression.

“Where there is struggle lies opportunity for change,” Ashley says. “We can’t do this work alone. We must be in community with one another and with students to understand what they want their role to be and to help them master some of the skills necessary to achieve that role. Both energize me and bring me hope. My story and experiences as a low-income, first-generation student are important and valuable to the work that we do in public health and academia, I'm proud to share this perspective with students and have them share their perspectives with me as we develop the next generation of public health professionals together.”

The award was created in 2004 to honor Dr. Phyllis S. Lee, former director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The award honors a member of the OSU community who exemplifies Dr. Lee’s commitment and dedication to social justice and the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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