Doctoral student raves about PAC class

woman wearing a backpack hiking in the woods

Doctoral student raves about PAC class

Geethika Koneru, a public health - health promotion and health behavior doctoral student, recently took a PAC class and wanted to share their positive experience. "I took a PAC class titled Mindful Forest Walking offered by the Adventure Leadership Institute fall 2023 and I absolutely loved it!"

"It taught me a completely new way of connecting with myself, with others and with nature. I especially enjoyed the reflections we shared with our group about our experiences of awe, wonder, joy, and connection, and how we have been handling change in our lives. 

"It was interesting to note how our experiences and viewpoints differed based on our cultures (individualist vs. collectivist) and how having experienced a bit of both could help us make the best of both worlds and enjoy our lives and the world more"

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