This FAQ is for
Internship Override Process
Overrides will be sent to the COH scheduler on Mondays.
The scheduler will have them processed by the following Wednesday at 5 p.m..
It is best to send batches of overrides.
Week 7 of each term, before registration opens
- Send names, course #, CRNs and ID numbers of the students who need overrides.
- Coordinator will email the students letting them know an override request has been submitted.
- Students need to wait until Wednesday after 5 p.m. before attempting to register.
- If the student gets an error, the student can email the scheduler and must include course #, name, and ID along with the error they received.
- The COH scheduler will process the overrides, then send an email back to the coordinator that the override process is complete.
Week 8 through finals week of each term
- Continue to send batches or stragglers as stated above.
Prerequisite and co-requisite
Internships that need a prerequisite and co-requisite:
- Internship coordinators will ask student to share a screenshot to show the coordinator that they have already registered for that prereq for the next term.
- The coordinator will send a message to the scheduler for both overrides.
- The screenshot does not need to be shared with the COH scheduler.
- The COH scheduler will respond back to the internship coordinator that the override is complete.
Last Modified
March 7, 2022