How do I prepare for an advising appointment?

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How do I prepare for an advising appointment?

Here are some tips to remember as you prepare for a productive meeting with your advisor:

Be proactive

Think about the big picture, your current interests, your future career and which courses, majors/minors will get you from point A to point B.

Be prepared

Write out specific questions or concerns. For example, if you’re meeting about course selection, start by researching potential courses in the schedule of classes and creating a tentative schedule with backups.

Be honest

Be willing to identify and discuss your difficulties and seek advice. Then follow up on the plan you and your advisor agree upon.

Be open

You should be prepared to accept new ideas, even if they seem difficult. Consider trying new things like joining a club, studying abroad, working with a mentor, or assisting with research.

Be assertive

If you feel overwhelmed or you are having any trouble, ask for advice. Your advisor will help you get the support services you need to be successful, but they won’t know to help if you don’t ask.

Be respectful

Pay close attention to your advisor during the meeting. If you must cancel an advising appointment, please do so using the link found in your appointment confirmation email, call the office (541-737-8900), or email your advisor.

Last Modified
Aug. 16, 2021