How to report building issues


How to report building issues

College of Health Operations Team

Be sure to use the COH Operations Request Form.

It is important that you report building issues to the building manager or your operations team.

Info to include

Please include:

  • what the issue is
  • room #
  • and any more pointed/detailed info that we will need to either fix it or turn in a work order.

Examples of issues to report

  • If you are having a heating/radiator situation, (i.e. heat won’t turn on or off).
  • Restrooms: Include room number and the issue.
  • Any facility malfunction.
  • Broken furniture or removal of items from your office should be reported.
  • Windows that won’t open or close.

Please contact

Building Managers

Scroll table left    right on mobile devices

Building Manager Phone Email
Women's Building Debi Rothermund 541 737-3324 [email protected]
Milam Hall Debi Rothermund 541 737-3324 [email protected]
Bates Hall Kathleen McDonald 541 737-2516 [email protected]
Waldo Hall Crystal Laine 541 737-8144 [email protected]
Hallie Ford Center Tammy Winfield 541 737-3673 [email protected]
Langton Hall Fred Lay 541 737-3416 [email protected]
Ballard Hall Kim Tarrant 541 737-1385 [email protected]
Team Oregon Abraham Drabkin 541 737-5476 [email protected]