Don't use Health ALL

Reduce Email Fatigue

Email is still one of the easiest and most direct ways to communicate with one another.

However, please think carefully about sending group emails and make sure only those who need the information are included.

Please note that the below faculty/staff lists should not include students. Communicating with students should only be done through the appropriate student-only listservs.

To reach students

Undergrad students

To reach undergraduate students, contact:

If you’d like something placed in the OSS weekly newsletter, contact:

Grad students

To reach graduate students, contact:

FCH faculty, Corvallis campus

OES Campus FCH Faculty

All Corvallis colleagues

Corvallis instructional faculty plus professional faculty and staff in the Offices of Student Success, Research, Academic and Faculty Affairs, Marketing and Communication, OSU Child Development Center, Team Oregon, Langton Hall, Extension Campus FCH Faculty, and the Dean’s Office.

Email all Corvallis colleagues for:

  • Events / announcements of interest to all College of Health employees on the Corvallis campus
  • Workplace safety / power outage information that affects all employees on the Corvallis campus

All Corvallis colleagues

Health ALL

Email Health ALL to share information relevant to nearly 700 CPHHS employees in Corvallis, Bend, Portland and in 36 county offices.

Appropriate use includes messages from the dean and other information that employees will find useful or critical, regardless of position type or location. Consider including instructions for remote participation in events.

Health ALL

List owners

Lists that form "Health ALL" and the list “owners” who keep them current.

  Health Bates
(Bates Hall staff/faculty, no students)

  Health Bates Faculty
(CDC staff/faculty, no students)

  Health OSS
(Office of Student Success; no students)

  Health Advisors
(Academic Advisors; no students)

  Health Peers
(Distribution list for Peer Ambassadors)

  Health Physical Activity Courses
(PAC, no students)

  Health Faculty Staff Fitness
(Faculty Staff Fitness, no students)

  Health ESHS
(ESHS faculty/staff, no students)

  Health ESHS Instructional Faculty
(ESHS faculty, no staff or students)

  Health ESHS Kinesiology Faculty
(ESHS KIN faculty only, no PAC/FSF faculty, ESHS staff, or students)

  Health HDFS
(HDFS faculty/staff, no students)

  Health HDFS Instructional Faculty
(HDFS faculty, no staff or students)

  Health Nutrition
(Nutrition faculty/staff, no students)

  Health Nutrition Instructional Faculty
(Nutrition faculty, no staff or students)

  Health Public Health ALL
(Public Health faculty/staff, no students)

  Health Public Health Instructional Faculty
(Public Health faculty, no staff or students)

Health Langton Hall
Health Milam Hall
Health Waldo Hall
Health Women’s Building

  Health Dean’s Office
(Includes administrators and staff in WB, as well as MarComm and OCHI. No students)

  Health ALL

  Health Heads

  Health Administrative Team

  Health Deans and Heads

Instructions on updating an email list

If you’re a list owner, follow the directions below.

If you are NOT a list owner, please contact the person who manages the list(s) on which you belong.

Request service

In the CN Service Requests, choose "CN - Make Changes to an Existing Distribution List.

From there, choose "Request Service".

Distribution list name or email

Add the name of the list you are making changes to.

Date needed by

Give them at least 3-5 working days.

What changes will be made

Add, Add & Remove or Remove.

One person

If you are adding or removing one person, simply fill out the form as it requests information.

Multiple people

If you are adding or removing multiple people, do the following:

  • Add the following user: Input “see below”
  • Remove the following user: Input “see below”

Use ONID or email address

List the names of those you are going to ADD. You must use their onid or their email address. For example:  Rothermd or Debi.Rothermund @

Once you have the changes added, hit “submit” at the bottom.

Change a list manager

Changing a list manager needs to be submitted to CN via Debi Rothermund.

Communication is key here

When you hire a new faculty or staff member, you will need to add them to your list(s).

You will also need to email the following information to Debi Rothermund, Kathryn Stroppel and Keri Fisher.

In the email, please tell them the name, office/bldg. and phone of anyone being added or removed from a list.