Understanding Communities Sheds Light on School Readiness

Understanding Communities Sheds Light on School Readiness

Shannon Lipscomb
Alicia Miao
Jennifer Finders
Bridget Hatfield
Katherine Pears
Brianne Kothari
Oregon School Readiness Research Consortium
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University - Cascades
Oregon State University
Oregon Social Learning Center
Oregon School Readiness Research Consortium
Publication Date


To help inform strategies to improve children’s school readiness, this study looked at readiness community by community.

This brief answers the questions:

  • How does school readiness differ across communities within Oregon?
  • What factors help to explain these differences?

The article examines links between social determinants across communities and school readiness of children attending kindergarten in each community, in literacy, math, self-regulation, and social skills.

Contact info

Shannon Lipscomb