Practices and Policies: Market Rate Surveys in States, Territories, and Tribes

Practices and Policies: Market Rate Surveys in States, Territories, and Tribes

Roberta B. Weber
Deana Grobe
Elizabeth E. Davis
J. Lee Kreader
Clara C. Pratt
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University
Publication Date


A presentation of findings from a study examining current child care market rate survey methods, practices, and policies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the 28 federally-recognized tribes that conduct their own market rate surveys, includes findings on challenges faced by jurisdictions in conducting and using findings from surveys, description of how jurisdictions provided study data, and findings and discussion on the use of market rate surveys to produce valid data.


State Profiles (717.25 KB)
Tribal Profiles (242.95 KB)

Contact info

Oregon Child Care Research Partnership