Oregon Subsidy Policy Impact Research Project: Parent Survey

Oregon Subsidy Policy Impact Research Project: Parent Survey

Roberta B. Weber
Deana Grobe
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University
Publication Date


The Subsidy Policy Impact Research Project includes three studies that use a combination of methods in order to increase understanding of how child care subsidies affect parental child care and employment decisions. In this executive summary and report, we use the findings of the first study, in-depth interviews with 44 subsidy recipients, as the framework for reporting the findings from the second study, the telephone survey of 580 current and past subsidy recipients. Thus, we can assess the extent to which the findings from the in-depth interviews can be generalized to a broader group of subsidy parents and enrich the findings from the telephone survey by relating them to the deep understanding that came from the in-person interviews.

Contact info

Oregon Child Care Research Partnership