Oregon Early Learning Workforce: Nine Years Beyond Baseline, Comparison of 2012 and 2021

Oregon Early Learning Workforce: Nine Years Beyond Baseline, Comparison of 2012 and 2021

This report was produced jointly by:
Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education - Portland State University
Oregon Child Care Research Partnership - Oregon State University
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University
Portland State University
Publication Date


This report, the ninth annual, describes Oregon’s early learning workforce in 2021. As of 2012, Oregon has had in place a system that allows it to answer policy-relevant questions about the early learning workforce employed in regulated child care and education facilities. This brief captures key characteristics of the 2021 workforce and compares them with those of the 2012 workforce. Annual reports enable the State to measure workforce turnover and provide decision makers with information critical for designing the training system. With access to ten years of data, this study provides a new look at turnover and stability of the workforce.

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Oregon Child Care Research Partnership