English Language Learner Students Entering Kindergarten in Oregon [Research Brief]

English Language Learner Students Entering Kindergarten in Oregon [Research Brief]

Guadalupe Diaz
Megan McClelland
Karen Thompson
Oregon School Readiness Research Consortium
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University
Oregon School Readiness Research Consortium
Publication Date


English Language Learners (ELLs) enter kindergarten with a range of academic, self-regulation, and linguistic skills, but there are clear discrepancies in the achievement of ELLs when compared to non-ELLs.

This brief defines ELLs under federal laws, examines how ELLs are performing on Oregon’s Kindergarten Assessment (KA) and examines how English Language Proficiency is related to the performance of ELLs on the Oregon Kindergarten Assessment.

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Megan McClelland