Melinda M. Manore, PhD, RD, CSSD, FACSM
Milam Hall 107D
2520 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Academic interests
My research focuses on answering these questions: 1) How does physical activity alter energy and nutrient metabolism and needs? 2) What dietary and activity approaches help individuals/groups maintain or achieve a healthy body weight for reduction of chronic risk factors (e.g. metabolic syndrome, diabetes) and obesity? 3) What dietary recommendations help sustain physical activity and improve exercise performance? I have extensively examined the nutrition and exercise issues of girls and women across the lifespan to determine how we can impact health behaviors to reduce chronic disease risk factors, improve bone health, and prevent disordered eating behaviors and menstrual dysfunction. Current work examines the integration of nutrition and exercise into energy balance messages and community based practices, programs and environmental changes for the prevention of obesity.