Mandy Hatfield
Douglas County Extension Service
1134 SE Douglas Ave
Roseburg, OR 97470
United States
Mandy Hatfield coordinates the Douglas County SNAP-Ed program and Master Food Preservation Program. In Douglas County, the SNAP-Ed program works closely with many partners, including Mercy Foundation ( the local hospital foundation), Feeding Umpqua, Douglas County Food Bank, Take Root, the local Parenting Hub, and many collaborations through work with Thrive Umpqua (formerly Blue Zones Project).
Mercy Foundation Healthy Kids Outreach program has been partnering with Douglas County SNAP-Ed to increase FTE to provide more programming for youth around nutrition and physical activity. This partnership has provide $894,096 towards FTE since 2014. Currently, the Douglas County SNAP-Ed unit has written for a grant to start a food pantry closet at the hospital so that patients that screen as food insecure can have access to food when being discharged from the hospital. This will also include a meeting with a community health worker to help assist them in connection to resources they are eligible. Through this project, we hope to create a navigation for connection points for food insecure residents of Douglas County. This grant is for $50,000 which includes funds to hire a part time EPA 1 to stock the pantry, do the food picks ups and create systems for all organizations involved to successfully reach the project goals.
Another area of interest in Douglas County SNAP-Ed unit is farm to school related programming. Throughout the county, the program uses the harvest of the month themed food item to promote local foods, trying a new food and to increase items in local gardens. Many schools have a bulletin board that is updated with the theme food of the month. Then younger grade students get the opportunity to participate in a coloring contest for the month theme with the winning student in each grade receiving a t-shirt with the joke of the month printed on it. All school cafeteria tastings including the food of the month and growing experience when possible are provided.
In Douglas County, the MFP program is rebuilding after losing many volunteers through the pandemic. Currently the county is working to hire an EPA 2 to support the MFP work taking place. This work includes training more volunteers, providing community classes, gauge testing and supporting the statewide hotline for preservation.