During the academic year, each term will be dedicated to a unique project that will utilize publicly accessible geospatial methods to investigate a topic, issue or cause, as decided upon by chapter members and the executive team.
These projects will be divided into actionable steps, starting with the formulation of a research question and concluding with the creation of a collaboratively mapped final product.
This provides chapter members with the opportunity to work with students from across the university in an effort to achieve a common goal and gain hands-on experience with different aspects of the mapping process.
As a new chapter of YouthMappers, our current focus is centered on the Corvallis community. However, fueled by the diverse interests of our members, we aspire to broaden our horizon in the future.
Fall 2024 Project
Greening Campus: Confirming Vegetation Data with the OSU Arboretum
We're helping the OSU Arboretum grow! Through validating and editing outdated GIS tree data on and around OSU's campus, we are excited to support the Arboretum's goal to achieve level III national accreditation status.
Learn more about how we're helping and our progress by joining our Discord!
Spring 2024 project
Navigating the night: Pedestrian safety around OSU Campus
We're shedding light on pedestrian safety in and around Oregon State University’s Corvallis campus.
We're mapping the presence of streetlights and crosswalks and identifying areas that may pose risks to pedestrians, especially during the night.
Explore the project introduction slides from our Week 3 (Monday, January 22) meeting.
Future projects
Possibilities are endless, and we're always eager to explore new territories.
Some areas of interest for potential future projects that have been suggested by chapter members include:
Mapping Air Filter Access
Map the distribution of adequate air filters in and around Corvallis to identify areas more vulnerable to wildfire smoke, providing crucial data for community preparedness.
Public Transportation Accessibility
Assess the accessibility and coverage of public transportation systems. Map bus stops, train stations and routes to understand how well-connected and convenient public transit options are in different areas, influencing mobility and social inclusion.
Food Deserts Analysis
Investigate areas with limited access to fresh and healthy food options. Mapping the locations of grocery stores, farmers' markets and food pantries can provide insights into food deserts, helping to address issues of food insecurity.
Tracking Wastewater Flow
Map the flow of wastewater from Oregon State University and Corvallis with the goal of revealing patterns, potential environmental impacts and key points of interest in the local wastewater system.
Do you have an idea for a future term project or project area? Please share them with us

Mapathons are mapping parties, where we gather as a chapter and work together on a selected mapping project.
The idea behind a Mapathon is to get participants excited about mapping, contribute to a good cause and get used to using programs like OSM.
In the past, we held a Mapathon in collaboration with CEOAS for GIS week, where we mapped buildings, waterways and roads. The project focused on these key features in order to help organize disaster relief and hazard mitigation in remote areas.
Most projects focused on for Mapathons have a similar goal, because the information we put into the OSM database can eventually be extracted and used in real-time, in the places we are mapping.