Clearing the Air on Wildfire Smoke: A Toolkit for Reducing Downwind Exposure Risks

wildfire smoke in the distance beyond a neighborhood

Clearing the Air on Wildfire Smoke: A Toolkit for Reducing Downwind Exposure Risks

The Clearing the Air on Wildfire Smoke: A Toolkit for Reducing Downwind Exposure Risks document provides strategies to reduce downwind exposure risks from wildfire smoke. It explains wildfire emissions, how wildfire emissions impact health, how to monitor air quality conditions, and how to protect your indoor environment from wildfire emissions. The toolkit offers guidance on protecting indoor air quality, portable and DIY air cleaners, and a checklist for wildfire smoke preparedness. The toolkit emphasizes the importance of protecting children from wildfire pollutants and outlines safe methods for cleaning settled dust and ash to minimize health risks.

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Chemical Insights Research Institute (CIRI)

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Guidance Document


Air Quality


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