Wildfire Smoke Fact Sheet: Protect Yourself from Ash

person with long pants, shoes, and gloves mopping the floor indoors

Wildfire Smoke Fact Sheet: Protect Yourself from Ash

The Wildfire Smoke Fact Sheet: Protect Yourself from Ash offers information about the health effects of wildfire smoke ash and ways to protect yourself from ash after a wildfire, including the importance of avoiding ash exposure for children, pets, and those with heart or lung issues. The resource provides practical tips for safely cleaning up ash, choosing protective clothing and respirators to avoid skin contact or breathing in ash, food safety, and ash disposal.

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AirNow is a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Park Service, NASA, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and tribal, state, and local air quality agencies.

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