Children’s Health and Wildfire Smoke Exposure Workshop Recommendations
Children’s Health and Wildfire Smoke Exposure Workshop recommendations report summarizes key recommendations from the virtual Children’s Health and Wildfire Smoke Workshop for Public Health Officials that took place in May of 2021. It is intended for parents/caregivers, health practitioners, educators, and policymakers who are seeking evidence-based strategies for reducing wildfire smoke exposure before, during, and after wildfire smoke events.
The report provides best practices and actionable steps to manage wildfire smoke exposure, including how to protect indoor air quality in schools, guidance for mask/respirator use, information on air sensor use and monitoring, and recommendations for children’s physical activity during wildfire events.
Workshop recommendations drafted by multi-stakeholder workgroups spearheaded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and in close collaboration with tribal, federal, state, and local officials, health care professionals, and other non-governmental organizations, academics, industry, and Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) representatives.