Motivating parents to protect their children from wildfire smoke: the impact of air quality index infographics

2024  Journal Article

Motivating parents to protect their children from wildfire smoke: the impact of air quality index infographics


The research investigates how different Air Quality Index (AQI) infographics influence parents' perceptions and actions regarding wildfire smoke risks to their children. Results indicate that while parents show heightened concern and intention to act in high-risk scenarios, certain infographic formats, like the AQHI, may better communicate the dangers of moderate smoke levels. This study highlights the importance of effective public education to help parents protect their children's health during wildfire events.

DOI: 10.1088/2515-7620/ad5931    PubMed ID: 38974835



Wildfire smoke events are increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change. Children are especially vulnerable to health effects even at moderate smoke levels. However, it is unclear how parents respond to Air Quality Indices (AQIs) frequently used by agencies to communicate air pollution health risks.


In an experiment (3 × 2 × 2 factorial design), 2,100 parents were randomly assigned to view one of twelve adapted AQI infographics that varied by visual (table, line, gauge), index type (AQI [0-500], AQHI [1-11+]), and risk level (moderate, high). Participants were told to imagine encountering the infographic in a short-term exposure scenario. They reported worry about wildfire smoke, intentions to take risk-mitigating actions (e.g., air purifier use), and support for various exposure reduction policies. Subsequently, participants were told to imagine encountering the same infographic daily during a school week in a long-term exposure scenario and again reported worry, action intentions, and policy support.


Parents' responses significantly differentiated between risk levels that both pose a threat to children's health; worry and action intentions were much higher in the high-risk group than the moderate-risk group in both short-exposure (F = 748.68 p<.001; F = 411.59, p<.001) and long-exposure scenarios (F = 470.51, p<.001; F = 212.01, p<.001). However, in the short-exposure scenario, when shown the AQHI [1-11+] with either the line or gauge visuals, parents' action intentions were more similar between moderate- and high-risk level groups (3-way interaction, F = 6.03, p = .002).


These results suggest some index formats such as the AQHI—rather than the AQI—may better attune parents to moderate levels of wildfire smoke being dangerous to children's health. Our research offers insights for agencies and officials seeking to improve current public education efforts during wildfire smoke events and speaks to the critical need to educate parents and help them act short-term and long-term to protect children's health.

Slavik, C.E., Chapman, D.A., Smith, H., Coughlan, M., Peters, E. (2024) Motivating parents to protect their children from wildfire smoke: the impact of air quality index infographicsEnvironmental Research Communications6