Grad spotlight OG image
Gabrielle Schmit
Grad spotlight academic program
Athletic Training - MATRN
Grad spotlight cohort year
What inspired or interested you about your field of study? And why did you choose OSU/the college?
I grew up playing multiple sports and have always had a passion for helping others. Athletic training is the best of both those worlds! Oregon State has an amazing athletic training program and faculty.
Tell us about your time at Oregon State and in the college. Is there someone or something who/that helped you be successful?
The community I created here will be with me beyond college. I worked at KidSpirit for both my undergraduate and graduate degree and the support they gave me helped with my success.
What are your post-college dreams/plans?
My dream is to work as an athletic trainer in a high school setting.
Anything else you'd like to add?
KidSpirit is an amazing professional development opportunity for all students. I highly recommend students be involved to gain skills they can carry with them beyond their academic career.