Grad spotlight OG image
Alicia Bongen
Grad spotlight academic program
HDFS: General - BS
Grad spotlight cohort year
What inspired or interested you about your field of study? And why did you choose OSU/the college?
I have worked in education for 20 years and when I found OSU Ecampus, it gave me the ability to continue working full-time and further my education.
Tell us about your time at Oregon State and in the college. Is there someone or something who/that helped you be successful?
This was a great experience because though I never went to campus I had great professors and did group projects with people all over the country.
What are your post-college dreams/plans?
I have been able to obtain my emergency license in school counseling and am already working in my dream job. I am continuing my education with a masters in school counseling while working.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Being a wife, mom of four boys, and working full-time going back to school didn't seem possible. With OSU Ecampus educational goals are always achievable!