Course Descriptions
Program on Gerontology
H 320 Introduction to Human Disease (3)
Fundamental principles relating to etiology, nature, prevention, and control of communicable and noncommunicable diseases in human populations. Special emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion in the high risk diseases of modern, industrialized society.
H 422 / H 522 Health, Aging, and Control of Chronic Disease (4)
Epidemiology of the major chronic diseases, risk factors, potential methods of prevention/intervention, ethical issues, and efficacy of current methods of prevention and control. Emphasis on adult populations and public health services, policies, and programs at the local, state, and federal levels designed to promote healthy aging. PREREQ: Nine credits of health course work.
H 432/ H 532 Economic Issues in Health & Medical Care (3)
Application of economic principles to the health care field: the demand for medical care and insurance, health care suppliers, health care markets. PREREQS: (ECON 201 or ECON 201H) and H 210 and H 457 and junior standing.
H 436 Advanced Topics in Health Care Management (3)
Covers how health services are governed and organized; how health care organizations assess and adapt to change; constraints/opportunities in shaping organizational performance; leadership; strategic decision-making and the use of evidence-based management in health care. PREREQS: H 210 and H 250and junior standing.
H 458 / H 558 Reimbursement Mechanism (3)
Introduces and analyzes the different types of health care reimbursement methodologies used in the U.S. health care system. PREREQS: H 210 and junior standing.
H 465 / H 565 Public Health and Women: Social & Policy Issues (3)
Public health approach to the identification of womens health needs in the United States and in other countries as it relates to the intersection of race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, age, and ability. (Bacc Core Course) PREREQS: 6 credits in Public Health.
H 467 / H 567 Long-Term Care Alternatives (3)
Overview of the long-term care alternatives. Comparisons of nursing homes with community based facilities; adult day care centers, respite to hospice facilities, social HMO's and other services; cost, quality of life, and practicality are addressed.
H 468 / H 568 Financing and Administration of Long-Term Care (3)
Examines the financing and administration of long-term care. Emphasis is on a system-wide overview and specific application to nursing facility management.PREREQ: Admission to HMP program.
H 476 Planning and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs (4)
A systematic approach to planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs in public agencies, community settings, work sites, educational settings, and health care settings. (Writing Intensive Course) PREREQ: Senior standing.
H 536 Healthcare Organization Theory and Behavior (3)
Administrative practice in health care settings with emphasis on long-term care and acute care services. Provides a framework for health care systems and managerial process and roles. Focus on operations, planning, marketing, human resources, finance, productivity and control as well as emerging trends in health services.
H 576 Program Planning, Proposal Writing in Health, Human Services (4)
Planning and preparing of proposals for program initiation, financing, delivery and evaluation in health-related settings; emphasis on funding sources, community, individual, and organizational support. PREREQS: 9 credits of graduate course work in public health.
HDFS 314 Adult Development & Aging (4)
Advanced theories and research related to developmental changes and stability in early, middle, and late adulthood. Gender issues, personality, cognition, and adaptation. PREREQ: Sophomore standing.
HDFS 461 Program Development and Proposal Writing (4)
Principles of program development and evaluation applied to the development of a proposal for a human services program; analysis of needs and resources, identification of empirically-based strategies, and assessment. (Writing Intensive Course) PREREQS: HDFS 360 [D-]
HDFS 462 Skills for Human Services Professionals (4)
Exploration of collaborative, strengths-based methods to resolve individual, family, and community problems. Application of ethical standards to case study, with emphasis on the values of human dignity and social justice. Development of basic helping skills within an empowerment framework. PREREQS: HDFS 107 [C-] and HDFS 209 [P] and junior or senior standing, Human Services option specialization.
HDFS 465 / H 565 Topics in Human Development and Family Sciences (3)
Topics and issues in human development and family sciences. Examples: children and the law; gender and families; parenting; aging; relationship development across the lifespan. May be repeated for credit. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 18 credits. PREREQ: 6 credits of HDFS, SOC, or PSY.
HDFS 518 Adult Development and Aging (4)
Study of theories, concepts, and issues related to biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development throughout adulthood. Covers life transitions, stress-related growth, optimal aging, wisdom, and developmental methods. PREREQS: 15 quarter credits of behavioral and social sciences.
HDFS 519 The Life Course (4)
Introduces students to key concepts, principles, and controversies in life-course studies. Emphasizes how the nature and rhythm of the life course is structured by time and place. Examines how the lives of individuals and groups are shaped by history, demography, social institutions, states and policies, and culture.
HDFS 587 Social Gerontology (3)
An introduction to aging research targeted towards understanding demographics of aging societies, lifespan theories, methods of aging research, psychosocial aging processes, family and care giving issues, housing and long-term care, and current social policies.
HDFS 617 Advanced Topics in Adult Development & Aging (3)
Advanced critical study of theory and research related to specific topics of social and emotional development and stability in adulthood, including later life. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 9 credits.
KIN 434 Applied Muscle Physiology (3)
Skeletal muscle structure, function, and metabolism; applications to muscle fatigue, exercise training, inactivity, and aging. PREREQS: KIN 324 [C-] or EXSS 324 [C-]
KIN 437 Physical Activity, Aging and Chronic Disease (4)
Addresses the consequences of primary and secondary aging from an individual and public health perspective. Physiological changes associated with aging and chronic disease, functional assessment of older adults, and exercise prescription for older adults with and without chronic exercise will be emphasized. PREREQS: (KIN 324 [C-] or EXSS 324 [C-] ) and (KIN 325 [C-] or EXSS 325 [C-] )
NUTR 312 Issues in Nutrition and Health (3)
Impact of nutrition as one component of complex environmental, behavioral, social, and genetic factors significant to health promotion. Apply scientific knowledge to current health issues of changing dietary patterns, technological development in food products and nutrition controversies. Recognize economic and public policy implications. Lec/rec. (Bacc Core Course) PREREQS: (NUTR 225 [D-] or NUTR 240 [D-] ) and completion of science requirement in baccalaureate core.
NUTR 325 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle (3)
Nutritional needs and concerns in pregnancy and lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adult and later years. PREREQS: ( (NUTR 240 [C-] or NUTR 225 [C-] ) and NUTR 241 [C-] ) and /or equivalent, junior standing recommended.
NUTR 423 / NUTR 523 Community Nutrition (4)
Meeting nutritional needs in community settings; nutritional status of individuals and groups; programs of public and private agencies and industry; intervention techniques. Roles of community nutritionist. PREREQS: NUTR 325 [C-]
PHL 444 / PHL 544 Biomedical Ethics (4)
Application of ethical principles and decision-making processes to selected problems in medicine, health care, and biotechnology. Special attention given to end-of-life choices, reproductive rights and technologies, organ transplantation, research ethics, genetic engineering, and allocating scarce resources. An interdisciplinary focus that draws on social, legal, economic, and scientific issues in ethical decisions in medicine.
PHL 455 / PHL 555 Death & Dying (3)
A multidisciplinary study of cultural, philosophical, and religious perspectives on death, dying and grieving. Not offered every year. PREREQ: 6 credits of philosophy or sophomore standing.
PSY 350 Human Lifespan Development (4)
An introduction to physical, social, cognitive, and linguistic development with an emphasis on theory and methodology. PREREQ: PSY 201 and PSY 202. (SS)
SOC 355 Death and Dying (4)
An overview of cross-cultural and historical attitudes and practices around end of life, death and dying. Assessment of contemporary legal, professional, cultural and technological issues surrounding end of life/death and dying. PREREQS: (SOC 204 [D-] or SOC 204H [D-] )
SOC 432 / SOC 532 Sociology of Aging (3)
Examination of the social significance of age, position, and problems of the elderly in society; discusses the societal and individual consequences of an aging population; explores social theories of aging. PREREQ: SOC 204 or SOC 204H.