Vision, Mission and Values

Vision, Mission and Values

Health and Well-Being for All
College of Health Strategic Plan, 2025-2030


Lifelong health and well-being for every person, family, and community in Oregon, the nation, and world.


Through integrated education, research, and engagement, we advance scientific discovery and the implementation of ideas to improve health and well-being and prepare the next generation of globally minded public health and human sciences professionals.

As part of a land grant university, we engage communities and connect our science to policies and practices to increase the quality of human life and our capacity to thrive.

Foundational Values

We share the foundational values that guide Oregon State University: Excellence, knowledge generation, environmental stewardship, and equity.

To these values we add our dedication to integrity, care and compassion, collaboration, social responsibility, and resilience.

Our Commitment to Inclusive Excellence

The title of this plan, Health and Well-Being for All, is intentional. We mean all.

Our goals underscore our responsibility to ensure inclusive excellence in our college and in the world around us.

These goals will be furthered by a complementary action plan that centers diversity, equity, and inclusion in our classrooms, research, and engagement, and creates a culture of belonging in our college, with our partners, and with those we serve.

Achieving these goals requires understanding the needs and values of the people who are part of our community and honoring diverse ways of knowing and lived experience.

As a community, we are dedicated – through our personal and collective actions and the influence we have over systems – to eliminating historically rooted practices of exclusion that perpetuate inequity and to inclusively building a more just world where all may thrive.

Our Commitment to Tribal Nations and Indigenous Communities

The College of Health, as part of Oregon State University, recognizes the impact that its land grant history has had, and continues to have, on Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities in Oregon.

Grounded in self-reflection, learning, reconciliation, and partnership, the university will through its actions advance the sovereignty, rights, and prosperity of Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities in Oregon and nationally.